After the school-wide tasting, a basket of fresh strawberies, lettuce, collards, kale and herbs harvested from the garden were given to June Neal. Mr. O harvested some spinach to feed his classroom guinea pigs.
This week, Second grade classes will clean out the garden beds and compost the winter plants to make room for summer plantings. As a part of their Greener Earth IB unit, they are studying composting.
The Spring planting will be done by many grades. Kindergarden is
planting bush beans and sunflowers, as they study plant life cycles.
First and Third Grade will be planting a Pizza Garden. Lastly, Fernbank Forth graders will plant a Colonial Garden as they study how our settlers grew their own food.
Thank you to Whole Foods Briarcliff, John Weirwille at Berea Mennonite Church, and Erica Glasener for donating our summer vegetables and herbs for the garden!