Thursday, October 20, 2011

Celebrate National Food Day

We are celebrating national Food Day at Farmburger with a Spirit Night! 

October 24th 5-8pm Enjoy a family dinner out with other Farm To School loving people and 10% of proceeds will be donated to our Farm To School Program!  

What is Food Day? Food Day's goal is nothing less than to transform the American diet-to inspire a broad movement involving people from every corner of our land who want healthy, affordable food produced in a sustainable, humane way. In other words, we want America to eat real. We want to get Americans cooking real food for their families again. We want fewer people at drive-throughs and bigger crowds at farmers markets. We want to celebrate fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy whole grains-and to support the local farms and farmers that produce them. 

Fernbank Fall Festival

Thanks for stopping by the Fernbank Farm to School booth at the Fernbank Fall Festival last Saturday.
Ms. Ryan, our fabulous science teacher, had a table of parsley plants for kids to plant in pots and bring home to start their own parsley garden.

We sold farm fresh, organic produce from Riverview Farms.

We even had our very own tractor!

Our new Fernbank Farm to School T-shirts went on sale.  

Thank you to all of our parent volunteers to help make the day a success!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Garden Grant Awarded to Fernbank

Fernbank has been awarded the National Wildlife Federation Schoolyard Habitat/Pollinator Garden Grant.  This $500 grant will pay for a new water supply to the vegetable and butterfly garden, making it easier for the children to water both gardens.  Three plants will be added to the butterfly garden, which will allow our 5th grade Girl Scouts to apply for Monarchs of Georgia certification, and NWF Schoolyard Habitat certification.  Thank you to the Girl Scouts that have worked so hard on this garden!